Sunday, June 2, 2013

Flaming Creatures (1963)

Huh. I did not know anyone could film a movie with a potato.
This was listed as an "experimental" film, which means it should be innovative. What is innovative about this film? Certainly not the camera technique. That was the equivalent of me handing my two-year-old a camera and letting her run wild around the house. Most of the movie made me feel very dizzy. I do not like feeling this way.

When I say "filmed with a potato", this expression doesn't even come close to describing how blurry and unfocused the footage is. They must have bought the cheapest camera they could find at K-mart and made this movie.

What is this movie about? Good question. The first part is an instructional video on how to put on lipstick. Then we see some penises. And maybe a few boobies, but then mostly penises. I was unable to get a proper head count (lol penis joke) because the footage was so grainy.  There is no story at all, just a few sexual acts and people with bad makeup jobs and naked guys. Kind of like college.

The only reason this film ever got any notoriety is because it was seized by the police for being indecent. They should have just seized it for being awful. I'll give this film a 3/10.


  1. "just a few sexual acts and people with bad makeup jobs and naked guys. Kind of like college."

    That is, quite possibly, the best description I have ever heard of this movie. Brava.

    And yes. This movie is most definitely WTF.
