Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Psycho (1960)

This review will have spoilers in it. Although I don't see how as everyone on Earth has seen this movie.

This movie was great! It was scary, but not overly gory (or "gross" as I like to say).  Gore itself is not scary, but filmmakers today seem to think it is. In this movie we only see two people get stabbed but the scariest part is wondering about that guy, Norman Bates, and wondering what is wrong with his mom.  Then we see his mom is dead and has no eyeballs! Lack of eyeballs is definitely scary!  Her son is really hot though; it's too bad he's crazy.

The morning after the movie, my husband asked me if I understood why it was called "Psycho". I told him I had a pretty good idea.  He said it was because of Marion, the girl who steals the money. She keeps hearing voices and becomes super paranoid of that cop, buys a car and takes off. He said if she wasn't so paranoid she wouldn't have stopped at that sketchy motel in the first place and that is why she is psycho. I told him, "Babe, I think it's called "Psycho" because the dude dresses up as his mom and kills people." But we had to agree to disagree once again.  This movie gets a 9/10 from me.

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