Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Buffalo '66 (1998)

Billy Brown's mom loves one thing: Buffalo Bills football. She has never missed a game - except one, the day of Billy's birth, which is why she has never shown him any love. We first see Billy as he is being released from prison, where he has no one to pick him up. Then begins a frantic 20 minute search for a bathroom.  He calls his mom, who acts like she doesn't even know he exists. He says he is coming over to visit. She asks to see his wife, too, but since he has no wife, he lies and says she's "sick".  His mom doesn't care and demands that she come too. Well now he has to find someone to pose as his wife.  During his frantic bathroom search, he enters a dance studio and encounters Layla. He kidnaps her and even makes her drive her own car because he can't drive stick. What kind of a man doesn't know how to drive stick?
As his pretend wife, Layla goes by the name Wendy. She tries her best to "make him look good", as he requests. However, his dad is too angry to love anything, and all his mom cares about are her precious Buffalo Bills football games. She never takes her eyes off the game, even when people are speaking to her.

We see the reason behind Billy's jail time and his depression through a series of flashbacks. He vows to kill Scott Wood, the kicker of the Buffalo Bills that Billy feels is responsible for ruining his life. In the end, he finds out that he now has something much more important than revenge, he finally has love.

This movie is fairly predictable but enjoyable.  At first, after Billy leaves prison, he is rude and horrible to everyone and even kidnaps Layla. Why should we care anything about a person like this? But after meeting his parents and seeing the explanatory flashbacks, we come to understand why Billy has turned out the way he has. And thanks to Layla, Billy starts to see that he can be a better person and has something to live for.  I liked when he bought the heart shaped cookies. I thought that was cute. I'm giving this movie a 7/10.

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